2024 speakers
Paul Haskel
Paul B. Haskel is a partner in the New York office of Crowell & Moring. His practice focuses on the field of secondary distressed and high-yield debt transactions. He represents investment funds, investment banks, broker-dealers, and other financial institutions in connection with the purchase and sale of various U.S. and international distressed assets. These assets include, among other things, domestic and foreign bank loans, high-yield securities, and claims against bankruptcy estates, litigation trusts, SIPA trusts, and similar liquidating vehicles. He also advises clients on regulatory compliance issues relevant to financial institutions investing in bank loans and claims, including issues arising under U.S. securities law and state common law.
Paul is also a well-regarded advisor in the growing area of litigation finance. He regularly provides advice to litigation funders, private equity firms, and multi-strategy hedge fund clients in connection with their investments in funding transactions, including claims monetization and the provision of non-recourse capital to both plaintiffs and law firms. His work involves the diligence, structuring, and papering of these transactions and includes advice regarding the management of credit risk, tax efficiency, state common law issues such as champerty and usury, and legal ethics. He is a frequent contributor on these topics and has been featured in Litigation Finance Journal, ValueWalk, and The American Lawyer.
He has advised clients in connection with high profile transactions in bank loans, trade, and litigation claims relating to both distressed and par obligors (PG&E, Travelport, Stanford Financial, Mallinckrodt, Risk Corridors, and Visa/MasterCard Interchange Fee Claims). In addition to providing advice on specific transactions, he regularly offers training to clients in many of these areas, including debt trading, claims trading, and the management of borrower/issuer confidential information.
Paul is an active member of The Loan Syndications and Trading Association Inc. (LSTA) and sits on numerous LSTA committees. He is a frequent speaker for the LSTA on topics relating to secondary loan market transactions.
Prior to joining the firm, he was a partner and member of the Executive Committee with Kibbe & Orbe LLP.