2020 speakers

Leslie Perrin


Leslie Perrin is the Chairman of the International Legal Finance Association (ILFA), as well as Chairman of Calunius Capital LLP, an office he has held since January 2009. Leslie was the Chairman of the Association of Litigation Funders of England and Wales, for almost eight years from its establishment in November 2011 and in that capacity has been and remains deeply involved in the development of litigation funding as an international phenomenon. Leslie has more than 30 years’ experience of litigation markets, having been successively head of litigation, managing partner and senior partner at international law firm, Osborne Clarke. One of his cases still holds the record for a UK jury award of defamation damages against an insured defendant. In other cases, he became recognised as one of the pioneers of group actions in the UK. For nine years until 2015, he acted part-time as the Senior Independent Director of DAS, the UK market leader in legal expenses insurance.

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